Sensory Workshops
The sensory workshops are
directed to people who have sensory limitations focusing on those who have blind/partially
sighted or deaf/hard of hearing.
The fundamental intentions of these workshops are to positively enhance the lives of people with sensory limitation, as often they are restricted to expressing themselves physically, emotionally and creatively. The workshops are a way of provide creative opportunities, whilst providing emotionally support and confidence building.
The workshops are a creative, fun
and healing journey where you gain knowledge, skills and techniques
in professional craft. As the object are
shaped and formed so will your confidence. Here you have the opportunity to create
a desired sensory object that is personal to you. It may have sentimental or
nostalgic values or sensory qualities.
on one personal workshop
Work with me one on one where together we personally and create something that is directly unique and special to you.
Go to sensory environments for inspirations
and ideas collecting naturally sourced or recycled sensory materials.
your object. Could take the forms of pendants, lighting, garden objects, rings,
clocks, bags, sensory boxes, vessels or toys.
Will be taught and shown professional techniques
working with materials including wood, metal, textiles and ceramics
Given the opportunity to up cycle and
unwanted objects and transforming them into new exciting designs.
Mobile home service.
Workshops conducted at Cavology at Cobden
chambers, Pelham Street
(Nottingham city centre)
My Sight charity shop, Carlton Street (Nottingham
city centre)
Does mobile visits to schools, charities,
clubs and hospitals.
Sensory material is provided
After completing workshops you will be given the opportunity to
exhibit the sensory objects/ art created. This will be in sensory exhibition
that will encourage the audience to view through the other 5 senses, rather
than just visually.